Clow Canada
T. McAvity & Sons - Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

Thomas McAvity & Company started business on May 19th of 1834 in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Over the years, the company's name changed to J. and T. McAviity, then to T. McAvity & Sons, and finally to T. McAvity & Sons Ltd.

The company manufactured the first McAvity fire hydrants in 1903. In 1960 the company was sold to Crane Canada Ltd. The McAvity division of Crane Canada then was sold to Clow Canada in 1990. Clow Canada is the current owner and produces the M67 and Brigadier Heritage hydrants with the brand name McAvity still cast on the hydrant.

For information about Clow Canada McAvity brand hydrants, contact the Clow Canada Website.

Click photos to enlarge

  No. 1
Identifying Characteristics: Dry barrel hydrant with 6 bolt bonnet and ground line flanges. Bonnet flange is more rounded than the very similar model No. 2 shown below.

Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
Model: 9651, No. 1
Size: 4 1/4" V.O.
Date: 1955
Markings: McAvity St John, NB 175 1955 No. 1
© 2004 Stuart Niven
Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
Date: 1954
Location: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada
© 2004 Walter Lloyd

  No. 2
Identifying Characteristics: Dry barrel hydrant with 6 bolt bonnet and ground line flanges.

Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
Date: 1961
© 2000, Russ Porterfield
Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4½"
Date: 1950s

© 2000, John Clack

  Round Body Hydrant
Identifying Characteristics: One-piece dry barrel hydrant. McAvity apparently had a business relationship with Canadian Ludlow Mfg. at some point. The hydrant below is strikingly similar to the Ludlow List 75, in fact it is a virtual clone.
  • Mainvalve is likely a sliding gate design.

  • 1663
    Date: 1949
    Location: Angus, Ontario, Canada
    © 2002, David Beardsall

      Octagonal Style Hydrant
    Identifying Characteristics: Dry barrel hydrant, nearly an exact clone of the Ludlow List 90. From an early 1960's McAvity catalog, Pages 58 & Page 59, we know that this hydrant has a sliding gate mainvalve design.
  • This weathershield differs from the Ludlow Valve product.

  • 0548
    Size: ~ 5" V.O., 8 bolt flange
    Location: Edmonton, AB
    Photo: © 2000, John Anderson
    Notes: Also has "Canadian Ludlow Mfg. Co. Ltd" cast on operating nut.
    See 0549 : Top View
    Size: ~ 5" V.O., 6 bolt flange
    Location: Nova Scotia
    Photo: © 2004, Butch Campbell

      M59M - Brigadier Heritage (Octagonal Style)
    Identifying Characteristics: Modeled on the external appearance of the Ludlow List 90, but not a slide gate hydrant.
  • Sold today as the Brigadier Heritage model.
  • This hydrant has a compression type mainvalve.
  • Bonnet differs significantly from other Ludlow List 90 type clones.

  • 2222
    Model: M59M
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
    Location: Drumheller, Alberta, Canada
    © 2005, Stuart Niven
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1x 4"
    Model: M59M
    Date: 1965
    Location: Drumheller, Alberta, Canada
    © 2005, Stuart Niven

      M59 / Brigadier Heritage
    Identifying Characteristics: Dry barrel hydrant with 8 bolt bonnet and ground line flanges. Classic McAvity styling but with a more hemispherically shaped bonnet compared to models 1 and 2.
  • Produced currently as the Brigadier Heritage model, but with updated internal components.

  • 1560
    Model: M59M
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
    Date: 1967
    Location: Longueuil, Quebec, Canada
    © 2001, Martin Duchesne
    Model: M59
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1x 4.5

    © 2000, John Clack

    Model: Brigadier Heritage
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"

    © 2003, Clow Canada

    Identifying Characteristics: Dry barrel hydrant with 8 bolt ground line flange. The M67 is in current production by Clow Canada. The modern lines are consistent with the direction styling was taken during the late 1960s when this hydrant was introduced. Can be confused with the Dresser 500 hydrant, but no parts are interchangeable with that model.

  • Most 2 hose outlet only models have the nozzles spaced 180 degrees apart, but models with 90 degree orientation do exist. (no photo available)

  • 1559
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
    Date: 1974
    Note: <FM> and ULC rated.
    Location: Longueuil, Quebec, Canada
    © 2001, Martin Duchesne
    Size:5¼" V.O.
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 5"
    Date: 1988
    Location: Massachusetts
    © 2002, J. Kaminski

    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4"
    Date: 1971
    Location: Windsor, Ontario
    © 2003 Ethan Kennedy
    Date: 1988
    Notes:100mm Storz pumper
    Markings: M67, McAVITY, Canada, ULC, 5 1/4, 150, 1988
    Location: Ontario
    © 2002, Stuart Niven

      M-67M / Brigadier M-67
    Identifying Characteristics: Dry barrel hydrant with 8 bolt ground line flange. The Brigadier M67 is in current production by Clow Canada.
  • The muscular lines are unique to this M-67 model.

  • 2223
    Model: M67B Brigadier
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Date: 2000_
    Note: <FM>, 175, 1-8105769, M67B, ULC, 150
    Location: Drumheller, Alberta, Canada
    © 2005, Stuart Niven
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
    Date: 1997
    Note: <FM> w/100mm Storz pumper
    Location: Longueuil, Quebec, Canada
    © 2001, Martin Duchesne

      High Pressure Model
    Identifying Characteristics: Dry barrel hydrant with one piece barrel, internally gated hose outlets, intended for high pressure fire service.
  • External apperance nearly identical to the O'Brien high pressure model made by A.P. Smith in New Jersey.

  • 1963
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5", internally gated
    © 2003, Michael J. Vacanti
      Durite H-64
    Identifying Characteristics: Dry barrel hydrant with 8 bolt bonnet and ground line flanges. The Durite H64 appears identical to the M59, but the manufacturer is unclear at this time. This may be a McAvity product. H64 is thought to signify 1964 as the year of introduction.
  • Clearly labled "Durite" to set it apart from McAvity hydrants.

  • 1558
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
    Date: 1964
    Location: Longueuil, Quebec, Canada
    Notes: <FM> rated
    © 2001, Martin Duchesne

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