Clow Canada - Saint John, NB Canada

Daigle & Freres - St. Lambert, Québec, Canada
Daigle Aqua Inc - St. Lambert, Québec, Canada
Concord Supply - Maple, Ontario, Canada

Little is known about the origins of Daigle & Freres or Daigle Aqua at this time. It appears that this company started making fire hydrants beginning in the early 1960s in the province of Québec. At some point in the 1980s the company ceased operations.

Concord Supply is a supplier of waterworks specialties and was incorporated in the early 1980s, at which time they acquired the fire hydrant assets of Daigle Aqua. Concord manufactured the Daigle D67 hydrant in the original Daigle Aqua foundry throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. The D-67 model is still sold by Clow Canada, now called the Premier D-67-M. Such is the nature of foundries, to acquire, be acquired, or otherwise join forces.

For information about Clow Canada D-67-M hydrants, contact the Clow Canada Website.

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  Daigle D-63
Identifying Characteristics: Dry barrel hydrant with 8 bolt ground line flanges.
  • This Daigle hydrant's appearance is reminiscent of the earlier McAvity and Ludlow designs, however the bonnet shape and the fleur-de-lis distinguish the Daigle from the others.

  • 1551
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
    Date: 1966
    © 2002 Martin Duchesne

      Daigle D-67
    Inventor Rosaire Daigle was awarded US patent #3785399 for the mainvalve/drain design that is the basis for the D-67 hydrant. The goal was to have a hydrant whose drain valves shut after just 2 revolutions of the operating nut; this allows the mainvalve to be throttled for water usage other than firefighting, such as at a construction site, without water flooding out the drains.

    Identifying Characteristics: Dry barrel hydrant with 6 bolt ground line flange.

  • Integrated gussets at base of barrel are similar to the EBMUD 64 wet barrel design.

  • 1553
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
    Date: 1978
    Location: St. Sauveur, Quebec, Canada
    © 2002, Stuart Niven


    Concord Supply redesigned the outward appearance, but the hydrant retains the Daigle patented mainvalve design, the basis for the D-67 desigination.

    Identifying Characteristics: Dry barrel hydrant with 6 bolt ground line flanges.

  • There are no integrated gussets at base of barrel.
  • Barrel taper is "upside down" compared to the original D-67 above.

  • 1889
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
    Date: 1983
    Size: 5" V.O.
    Location: Mike V. collection

    ©2003, M. Vacanti
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1x 4"
    Date: 1988
    Size: 5" V.O.
    Location: Longueuil, Quebec

    ©2001 Martin Duchesne

      Premier D67M

    The Premier D67M is the most recent evolution of the original Daigle D67, and is in current production by Clow Canada.

    Identifying Characteristics: Dry barrel hydrant with 6 bolt ground line flange.

  • Hose nozzle bosses are minimal on this late version as compared to above models.

  • 1684
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1x 4"
    Date: 1999
    Location: St. Sauveur, Quebec,
    Markings: Markings: D67M, Premier, Concord, 150 PSI, 1999, 5
    © 2002, Stuart Niven

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