Bourbon Copper & Brass Co. - Cincinnati, OH
Part 2

  O.D. Rib Style "D"
This rounded style of O.D. rib smoothy blends into the barrel portion above; lacking the step distinctive to Rib Style "B". But there is much variation in this rounded shape.

  • The type shown at the left is generally found on the larger barrel hydrants with the larger 9¾" O.D. bonnet.
  • On hydrants made with a frost jacket the bottom portion of the rib was machined away as the O.D. of the barrel below the rib was trued up; resulting in the appearance shown at the right; from a smaller barrel hydrant with the the smaller 8¾" O.D. bonnet.

  • These hydrants are a more diverse group so they are split into multiple sections below.
  • This first section has hydrants with the smaller 8¾" O.D. bonnet with a 2 nut bonnet top and a straight barrel. Barrel O.D. measurements provided below are measured just above the O.D. rib.
  • 2102
    Nozzle: 3"
    Barrel OD: 5 5/8"
    Location: Ed M. collection
    Photo: © 2003, E. Masminster
    Nozzle: 2½"
    Barrel OD: 7"
    Location: Ed M. collection
    Photo: © 2002, E. Masminster
    Nozzle: 2½"
    Barrel OD: 7"
    Note: smooth bonnet, otherwise like #1402
    Location: Cincinnati, OH

  • These also have the smaller 8¾" O.D. bonnet with a 2 nut bonnet top but differ from those above in barrel shape with a stepped down barrel diameter between the nozzles and the bonnet.
  • 1728
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4½"

  • These all have a 9¾" O.D. bonnet with a 4 nut bonnet top.
  • These hydrants all have bolt-on pumper nozzles except for #1401.
  • This group is the only style to have hydrants that are dated with the year of manufacture. The date is centered below the nozzles just above the O.D. rib.
  • 1040
    Nozzle: 4½"
    Note: dated 1913
    Nozzle: 4½"
    Note: dated 1914
    Nozzle: 2x 2½"
    Location: Ohio
    Nozzles: 2x 3" swing gated
    Nozzles: 2x 3" swing gated
    Note: dated 1915
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x ~4"
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4½"
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4½"

    These very unique hydrants are called "flatback" and "box" hydrants.
  • These have larger bonnet sizes than all other known Bourbon hydrants; and they have a 4 bolt bonnet top.
  • Each nozzle on the box is bolted on and each hose nozzle is independently gated.
  • 1034
    Nozzles: 3x 3"
    Bonnet: 11½" O.D.
    Location: Ohio
    Nozzles: 2x 3", 1x 4½" (not gated)
    Bonnet: 11½" O.D.
    Nozzles: 3x 3", 1x 4½" (not gated)
    Bonnet: 12½" O.D.
    Location: Ohio

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