John Anderson's Hydrant Collection - Photo Page 13
  • Tamaqua Mfg. Co
  • J. Thompson & Co.
  • Toronto Water Works (TWW)
  • Traverse City Iron Works (TCIW)
  • U. S. Pipe
  • United Iron Works
  • Vogt Brothers Mfg. Co.

  • WebMaster's Note: Whenever possible the photos shown are those of his collection hydrants. However in some instances other FH.O photos have been used; these have an asterick (*) after the photo number.
    0344 Tamaqua
    (model unknown)
    · Pat. May 1882
    2170 J. Thompson
    (model unknown)
    1668 TWW
    · bolted bonnet
    1125 TCIW
    · fluted barrel w/ pat. date
    · 4" VO, 1953
    0797 TCIW
    · fluted barrel w/ pat. date
    · 4" VO, 1941
    0221 TCIW
    · fluted barrel w/ pat. date
    · 4" VO, 1929
    1097 TCIW
    · fluted barrel
    · 5¼" VO, 1969
    1098 TCIW
    · fluted barrel
    · 5¼" VO, 1969
    2135 TCIW
    · fluted barrel w/ pat. date
    · 5¼" VO, 1953
    1099 TCIW
    · smooth barrel
    · 5¼" VO, 1977
    0220 TCIW
    · smooth barrel
    · 5¼" VO, 1971
    0219 TCIW
    · later model
    · 5¼" VO, 1978
    2116 U. S. Pipe
    · Met 250 M94
    · 5¼" VO, 2001
    0616 United Iron
    643-1 model
    · wet barrel hyd.
    0615 United Iron
    643-2 model
    · wet barrel hyd.
    1535 Vogt Bros.
    (wording on top of bonnet rim)
    · ~5" VO, undated
    2280 Vogt Bros.
    (horiz. wording on back)
    · ~4" VO, undated
    1743 Vogt Bros.
    (horiz. wording on back)
    · ~5" VO, undated
    1739 Vogt Bros.
    (horiz. wording on back), ~5" VO
    · Traffic Model
    2176 Vogt Bros.
    (vert. wording on back)
    · ~4" VO, undated
    0088 Vogt Bros.
    · Louisville Spec
    · ~5" VO, undated

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