John Anderson's Hydrant Collection - Photo Page 3
  • Cambridge Machine & Valve
  • Canada Valve & Hydrant
  • Chapman Valve Mfg. Co.
  • Chicago Water Works (CWW)
  • Coffin Valve Co.
  • Crane Co.
  • Daigle
  • Darling P & M Co.
  • Darling V & M Co.
  • Darling
  • American Darling
  • Dayton, OH Spec
  • East Jordan Iron Wks (EJIW)

  • WebMaster's Note: Whenever possible the photos shown are those of his collection hydrants. However in some instances other FH.O photos have been used; these have an asterick (*) after the photo number.
    0459 Cambridge
    (model unknown)
    · 5" VO, 1943
    2081 Canada Vlv
    DA-300 (not model marked)
    · ~4" VO, undated
    1409 Canada Vlv
    S-300 (not model marked)
    · ~4" VO, 1956
    1895 Canada Vlv
    B-50-B model
    · ~4" VO, 1962
    1936 Canada Vlv
    Century model
    · ~5" VO, not dated
    0823 Chapman
    List 82 sbsb model
    · ~5" V.O.
    0852 Chapman
    List 82 lblb model
    · ~5" V.O.
    0931 Chapman
    List 88 model
    · 5" V.O.
    1344 Chapman
    List 90 model
    · 5" V.O.
    2166 C.W.W.
    · 6" V.O.
    1367 Coffin Vlv
    Walker patent
    · 7" barrel ID
    1364 Crane Co.
    · internally gated
    · no main valve
    2169 Crane Co.
    · ~4" V.O.
    1551 Daigle
    D63 model
    · 5¼" V.O., 1964
    2273 Darling
    P&M Co.

    · ~5" VO, undated
    1269 Darling
    P&M Co.

    · 4" V.O., 1907
    1516 Darling
    V&M Co.

    · 5" V.O., 1908
    1272 Darling
    B50B model
    · 4" V.O., 1967
    1741 Darling
    B50B Hi-pressure
    · 4" V.O., 1963
    0168 Darling
    B50B model
    · 4" V.O., 1956
    1265 Darling
    B50B model
    · 5" V.O., 1962
    1785 Darling
    B50B Hi-pressure
    · 5" V.O., 1967
    1270 Darling
    B62B model
    · 5¼" V.O., 1962
    2297 Am.Darling
    B50B Hi-pressure
    · 5" V.O., 1997
    1794 Am.Darling
    B62B model
    · 5¼" V.O., 1977
    1296 Dayton Spec
    · ~5¼" VO
    1919 EJIW
    · ~4" VO, 1945

    Summary | 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15
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