Ed Masminster's Hydrant Collection - Photo Page 9

  • Shand & Jurs (S & J)
  • South Park Hydrant & Pump
  • J. Thompson & Co.
  • Traverse City Iron Works (TCIW)
  • U.S. Pipe
  • United Iron Works
  • Vogt Bros. Mfg. Co.
  • Waterous Co.
  • Western Koppers Const. Co.

  • WebMaster's Note: Whenever possible the photos shown are those of his collection hydrants. However in some instances other FH.O photos have been used; these have an asterick (*) after the photo number.
    ' '
    0648 S & J
    101 model
    · wet barrel hydrant
    0038 South Park
    · unknown model
    · 5" V.O.
    2171 J. Thompson
    · unknown model
    · 7" standpipe OD
    2059 TCIW
    · early fluted barrel
    · ~4" V.O., no date
    1097 TCIW
    · fluted barrel
    · 5¼" V.O.
    ' ' ' '
    1098 TCIW
    · fluted barrel w/ pat. date, 5¼" V.O.
    1099 TCIW
    · smooth barrel
    · 5¼" V.O.
    0220 TCIW
    · smooth barrel
    · 5¼" V.O.
    0219 TCIW
    "final model"
    · 5¼" V.O.
    0173 U.S. Pipe
    Metropolitan 250
    · 1994
    ' ' '
    0616 United Iron
    641-1 model
    · wet barrel hyd.
    0605 United Iron
    · flange head model
    · wet barrel hyd.
    1535 Vogt Bros.
    (wording on top of bonnet rim)
    · 5" V.O.
    1743 Vogt Bros.
    (horiz. wording on back)
    · 5" V.O.
    1775 Vogt Bros.
    (horiz. wording on back)
    · 5" V.O.
    ' ' ' ' '
    1739 Vogt Bros.
    (horiz. wording on back), 5" V.O.
    · Traffic Model
    0088 Vogt Bros.
    · Louisville Spec
    · 5" V.O., 1 pc.
    1095 Waterous
    Frost Jacket model
    · ~4" V.O., 1 pc.
    1092 Waterous
    W22 (early style)
    · 4" V.O.
    0177 Waterous
    W31 model
    · 4" V.O.
    ' ' ' ' '
    0029 Waterous
    W31 model
    · 5" V.O.
    0028 Waterous
    W59 model
    · 4" V.O.
    0027 Waterous
    Trend (old style)
    · 4.75" V.O.
    1094 Waterous
    WB-67 Pacer
    · 5¼" V.O.
    0189 Waterous
    WB-67 Pacer
    · 5¼" V.O.
    1738 Western Koppers Const.
    · 5" V.O., 1938

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    (Revised 14Jul04), Unless otherwise noted, all contents of these WWW pages © FireHydrant.org