Ed Masminster's Hydrant Collection - Photo Page 6

  • Johnson City Foundry
  • Koppers Co.
  • Ludlow Valve
  • Kennedy Valve
  • Long Beach Iron Works

  • WebMaster's Note: Whenever possible the photos shown are those of his collection hydrants. However in some instances other FH.O photos have been used; these have an asterick (*) after the photo number.
    ' '
    0740 Johnson City
    · like Kennedy Cinci Spec 0084
    1330 Kennedy
    Cage Type
    · 6" V.O., undated
    1112 Kennedy
    Fig 108 New Type
    · 5¼" V.O., 1925
    1120 Kennedy
    Figure 1080
    · ~4" VO, 7 7/8" OD
    0085 Kennedy
    Figure 1080
    · 6" VO, 9 7/8" OD
    ' ' ' ' '
    0084 Kennedy
    Cincinnati Spec
    · 1 pc., 8¼" O.D.
    1121 Kennedy
    Cincinnati Spec
    · 2 pc. 8¼" O.D.
    1384 Kennedy
    Figure 1280
    · 4" VO
    1113 Kennedy
    Figure 1280
    · 5" VO, 9 5/8" OD
    1114 Kennedy
    Figure 1280
    · 5" VO, 9 5/8" OD
    ' ' ' '
    1253 Kennedy
    K11 (on front)
    1115 Kennedy
    K11 (on front under nozzle)
    0185 Kennedy
    K11 (on front)
    1116 Kennedy
    K12 (on front under nozzle)
    1446 Kennedy
    K81-A model
    · 4½" V.O.
    ' ' '
    0151 Kennedy
    K81-A model
    · 5¼" V.O.
    1251 Kennedy
    Mathews model
    · 5" V.O.
    1492 Kennedy
    Mathews model
    · 5" V.O.
    1727 Koppers Co.
    (model unknown)
    · 4½" V.O.
    1920 Long Beach
    Model 611
    · (wet barrel)
    ' ' ' '
    1736 Ludlow
    List 75
    · 5½" barrel I.D.
    · no logo
    0882 Ludlow
    List 75
    · 5½" barrel I.D.
    · no logo
    0888 Ludlow
    List 75, · 5½" ID
    · 4¼" logo frt/back, narrow border
    1021 Ludlow
    List 75, · 7" ID
    · 4¼" logo frt/back, wide border
    0175 Ludlow
    List 75
    · 5½" ID
    · 2 pc. barrel
    ' ' '
    1059 Ludlow
    List 75
    · 5½" ID
    · 2 pc. barrel
    0713 Ludlow
    List 75-0
    · 5.75" barrel I.D.
    · 2 pc. barrel
    0884 Ludlow
    List 75-0
    · 7" barrel I.D.
    · 2 pc. barrel
    1053 Ludlow
    List 80
    · 4" V.O.
    · 1 pc. barrel
    2103 Ludlow
    List 90
    · 4" V.O., undated
    · 2 pc. barrel
    0106 Ludlow
    List 90
    · 4" V.O., 1946
    · 2 pc. barrel

    Summary | 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10
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    (Revised 04Jun04), Unless otherwise noted, all contents of these WWW pages © FireHydrant.org