R.T.H. Stileman - Pennsylvania

Little is known about the company that made this hydrant. The details of this hydrant are known via US Patent Number 37,466, issued in 1863, to Richard Stileman of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Stileman company was an exhibitor at the International Exhibition of l876 held in Philadelphia. In the Official Catalogue they are listed as a maker of "water gates, fire hydrants, and station valves". A number of Stileman hydrants are listed as being in service in a report published by the city of Reading, Pennsylvania, in 1902.

If you have any information about Stileman hydrants from old advertisements, news articles, etc., please Email Us

  Simple hydrant with separate mainvalve
Identifying Characteristics: The mainvalve is a separate gate valve attached directly to the lower barrel of the hydrant. The claim is for increased waterway efficiency. However, hydrants of this type require that the hydrant be excavated for repairs, and for this reason this concept has fallen out of favor with most cities. Simple hydrants of similar construction still are used in Brazil and Hong Kong, amongst others.

See also



Fresno spec

Hong Kong spec.

  • The Stileman patent is the earliest we're aware of that lists a steamer port for steam fire engines.

  • Click Image
    To View Patent
    Model: Patent drawing
    Nozzles: 1x 2.5", 1x Steamer

      Supporting documents
    Entry in the International Exhibition, 1876, Official Catalogue. Published by J. R. Nagle and Co., 1876.
    Scan courtesy of Google Book Search.

    This list of hydrants for Reading, Pennsylvania, shows 45 Stileman hydrants in service as of 1906. It is the only source we've found that documents that the Stileman hydrant was produced and installed in service.

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