R. S. Chapman - San Francisco, CA Click pictures for closeups

We've just discovered a couple of old R. S. Chapman hydrants on a salvage dock. They came from a residential area that was annexed by Oakland before the turn of the century. The casting style suggests they were made around the 1870s.

All markings appear on Chapman's unique domed bonnet. If you have any information regarding this company or the fire hydrants manufactured by it, please Email Us.

FHO# 0627b

(Bonnet View)

Restored hydrants are from the Willis Lamm Collection.

FHO# 0627
Model: Single 2½
Date: 1870s
Location: Oakland, CA
Photo: © 2000, Willis Lamm

FHO# 0635
Model: Double 2½
Date: 1890s
Location: Oakland, CA
Photo: © 2000, Willis Lamm

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