Rich Valve Co. - Corona, CA
Rich Manufacturing Company manufactured both wet barrel and dry barrel fire hydrants from the mid-1900s until 1972 when it was purchased by Clow Valve. If you have more information about this company or can add to this page, please email us.

Rich wet barrel hydrants are shown on this page; grouped by shape/style. Rich dry barrel hydrants can be found in Part 2.

  Conical-shaped barrel models
Model: 5
Nozzles: 1x 2½", 1x 4"
Dated: 1967
Location: John A. collection
Photo © 2002, J. Anderson
Model: 68
Nozzles: 2x 2½"
Dated: ?
Location: ?
Model: 68
Nozzles: 1x 2½", 1x 4"
Dated: 1974
Location: Mission Beach, CA
Model: 68 Honolulu Spec
Nozzles: 1x 2½", 1x 4½"
Dated: 1982
(see BWS embossing)
Location: Honolulu, HI

  LA-sleeve models
This group of hydrants all have LA-sleeve style valving but differ in various details such as barrel shape at the ground flange. To our knowledge none of the hydrants in this group are marked as "Van Deventer Hydrants". Please refer to here for Rich / Van Deventer Hydrants.
Model: 500(?)
Nozzles: 3x ~4"
Note: "straight" barrel
Location: Mission Beach, CA
Model: ?
Nozzles: 1x 2½", 1x 4"
Note: "straight" barrel
Location: Mission Beach, CA
Model: 50
Nozzles: 1x 2½", 1x 4"
Dated: 1992
Note: "reduced" barrel
Location: Concord, CA
Photo: © 2000, Willis Lamm
Model: ?
Nozzles: 2x ~4"
Dated: 1950
Note: "reduced" barrel
Location: Escondido, CA
Model: ?
Nozzles: 2x ~4"
Dated: 1955
Note: "gusseted" barrel
Location: San Diego, CA
Model: ?
Nozzles: 2x ~4"
Dated: 1966
Note: "gusseted" barrel
Note: M. Greenberg wharf head on top
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Photo © 2000, David Kennedy

  Rich / Van Deventer Hydrant
These hydrants have "RICH" embossed on the barrel and "VAN DEVENTER HYDRANT" embossed on the top.
Nozzles: 1x 2½"
Note: "straight" barrel
Location: T. Cooper collection
Photo: © 2003, Tom Cooper
Nozzles: 1x 2½", 1x 4"
Note: "reduced" barrel
Location: Bakersfield, CA.
Photo: © 2004, Willis Lamm
Nozzles: 1x 2½", 1x 4"
Note: "reduced" barrel
Embossing: "Pat. 1792945"
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Photo: © 2004, A. McMillan
Nozzles: 2x 4"
Note: "gusseted" barrel
Embossing: "1792945"
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Photo: © 2004, A. McMillan

  Misc. models
Model: 850
Nozzles: 1x 2½", 1x ~4"
Dated: 1972
(Close-up View)
Location: Bakersfield, CA
Photo: © 2000, Willis Lamm
Model: No. 123 Wharf head
Nozzles: 1x 2½"
Dated: (none)
Location: Jason C. collection
Photo: © 2004, J. Cherry
Model: Wharf head
Nozzles: 2x 2½"
Dated: 1974
Location: Antoch, CA pier
Photo: © 2000, Willis Lamm

  Disney World Model
Identifying Characteristics: 3-way low profile wet barrel hydrant. Based on the M. Greenberg Son's patented design. Markings: Rich Valve Co, M. Greenberg's Sons logo, and the words Walt Disney World with a "D" Disney logo cast onto the sides of the hydrant.
Click Images
To Englarge
Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1 x 4.5".
Model: Disney World
Photo: © 2003, Marc Salverson
Rear View
Model: Disney World
Photo:© 2003, Marc Salverson

Part 1 - Wet Barrels , Part 2 - Dry Barrels
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