Pratt & Cady - Hartford, CT
Very little information regarding The Pratt & Cady Company of Hartford, Connecticut is known; other than the fact that they made hydrants in the 1890s and continued through the 1920s as evidenced by various patent dates. A brochure of unknown vintage with the title A New Departure: The Hartford Hydrant Hose Case Co. describes an invention patented in 1920 and made by Pratt & Cady for a self-contained hydrant hose accessory intended for residential use.

If you have any information about the company or the fire hydrants, please Contact Us.

Three models have been discovered and are documented below.

  First Model?
  • "THE PRATT & CADY CO. HARTFORD CONN." in the emblem above the star on the front of the barrel.
  • "PATENTED FEB.3'85; MAR.23'86; FEB.12'89" in the emblem above the star on the back of the barrel.
  • 1223
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Size: ~4" barrel I.D.
    Location: Hank B. collection
    Photo: © 2001, H. Bergson
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 5"
    Size: 5" barrel I.D.
    Location: Jeff K. collection
    Photo: © 2000, J. Kaminski

      Next Model?
  • "THE PRATT & CADY CO HARTFORD CT" and PAT JULY 16 01 on barrel below the nozzles.
  • "THE PRATT & CADY" on top of the bonnet.
  • Note the off-center operating nut indicating a toggle action main valve.
  • Hydrants with a 4¼" V.O. have 4 nut pockets underbonnet; while 5¼" V.O. hydrants have 6 nut pockets.
  • 0343
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Size: 4¼" V.O.
    Note: restored by M. Taylor (
    Photo: © 2000, Mike Taylor
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Size: 4¼" V.O.
    Note: same as #0343 except wording cast under other nozzle
    Location: John A. collection
    Photo: © 2002, J. Anderson
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 5"
    Size: 4¼" V.O.
    Location: Jeff K. collection
    Photo: © 2001, J. Kaminski
    Nozzles: 2x 4"
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Location: Massachusetts
    Photo: © 2001, J. Kaminski
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4"
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Location: Jeff K. collection
    Photo: © 2000, J. Kaminski
    Nozzles: 2x 2½" ext. gated, 1x 5"
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Location: Private collection
    Photo: © J. Kaminski

      Final Model?
    Appearances suggest that this is the latest known model; however it has a centered operating nut like the first model shown on this page.
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Size: ~5" V.O.
    Location: Connecticut
    Photo: © 2001, J. Kaminski
    Nozzles: 2x 2½" ext. gated
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Location: Massachusetts
    Photo: © 2002, J. Kaminski
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 5"
    Size: ~5" V.O.
    Location: Massachusetts
    Photo: © 1997, J. Kaminski

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