Penn-Troy Machine Corp. - Troy, PA

Currently, we have no information on this company or their fire hydrants. Please contact us with any information that you have.
  "Kennedy K81 look-alikes"
These hydrants look identical to the Kennedy K81 series hydrants except that they have a fluted bonnet. Their parts are interchangable with those of Kennedy hydrants. The Penn-Troy name can be found on both the bonnet and barrel.
Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 5"
Size: 4½" V.O.
Dated: 1994
Location: Massachusetts
Photo: © 2001, J. Kaminski
Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 5"
Size: 5¼" V.O.
Dated: 2000
Location: Massachusetts
Photo: © 2001, J. Kaminski

  New York City Spec hydrants
These hydrants were made to the N.Y.C. Specification.
Model: S-2-LP
Nozzles: 1x 2½", 1x 5"
Size: 4½" V.O.
Dated: 1998
Location: New York, NY
Photo: © E. Kennedy
Model: D-2-LP
Nozzles: 1x 2½", 1x 5"
Size: 5¼" V.O.
Dated: 1998
Location: New York, NY
Photo: © E. Kennedy

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