Pegnitzhütte - Pegnitz, Germany
Abteilung der Armaturen- und Maschinenfabrik A.G.
[vormals J.A. Hilpert, Nürnberg]

Little is known about Pegnitzhütte, which was a division of Armaturen- und Maschinenfabrik A.G. or AMAG. The company was established in 1890 and acquired in 1959 by KSB, a leading manufacturer of pumps and valves in Europe. In the 1910 Pegnitzhütte catalog it is prominently noted that the company was the successor of the J.A. Hilpert company, of Nürnberg. The catalog lists factories in Pegnitz, and Nürnberg, Germany, and Vienna, Austria. The product line includes valves, hydrants, public hydrants and fountains, as well as locomotive water cranes --- tall hydrants with snouts to fill steam locomotives.

If you have information about AMAG-Hilpert Pegnitzhütte AG, such as old advertisements, brochures, etc., please Contact Us.

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  Model: ?
This hydrant differs from others in Germany in that the hose nozzles are parallel to the ground: most every other German hydrant has the hose outlets angled downward. The smaller 3rd outlet is also unusual.
Date: ?
Nozzles: 2x 65mm, 1x 52mm

Photos © 2003
Thomas Kindt

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