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Pre-Specification Hydrants

     Little is known about New York City's hydrants before the specification because almost all of the original hydrants were removed.

- R.A. Hill

     In the 1870s, hydrants manufactured by R.A. Hill were installed in the downtown financial district.

- Hotchkiss Field & Co.

      Early "flip lid" style hydrants by Hotchkiss Field & Co. were installed in Manhattan and on Ward's Island.

- Chapman Valve

     An out of commission Chapman Valve hydrant (pre-1902 multi-valve List 82 model with "lacework" bonnet) still stands in front of Gibco Builders at 230 3rd Street in Brooklyn.

     As an interesting historical note, the Con Edison yard across the street from the hydrant was one of the locations of Washington Park, where the Brooklyn Dodgers and several other baseball teams once played.

- R.D. Wood Mathews Co.

     At least two out-of-commission late 1800s R.D. Wood Mathews hydrants (one is the "IMPROVED HYDRANT PATENT JULY 12 1898" model) also stand on Ward's Island, not too far from the base of the Hell Gate Bridge.

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