Lorton Prison Foundry - Lorton, VA
     According to the Washington DC Water Authority, the Lorton prison located in Lorton, Virginia, manufactured fire hydrants. It is known that in the late 1800's into the early 1900's the prisoners at the Lorton Prison manufactured the cast iron call boxes used by the fire department. It is certainly possible that fire hydrants were also produced at this prison foundry. We are still seeking information on this manufacturing facility so if you have any information at all about the prison foundry or these fire hydrants, please email us.
2x 2.5" 1X 4.5"
Size: ~? V.O.
Barrel: 1 pc.
Date: 1950
Location: Washington, DC
Photo: © 2001, E. Kennedy
The only marking cast on this fire hydrant is the date cast on the outer rim of the bonnet. It is not certain whether or not this hydrant was actually manufactured at the prison foundry, however, it is the only type of unidentified Washington, DC fire hydrant. One notable feature of all these unnamed hydrants is that frequently the casting looks less uniform and smooth than other similar hydrants. The only other markings frequently found on these hydrants are the words "FIRE USE ONLY." This casting is either cast around the operating nut (on the newer looking versions) or on a metal plate screwed to the bonnet on the older looking ones.

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