London Foundy Co., Ltd - London, Ontario, Canada

Located on King Street in London, and founded in 1880, the London Foundry Co., Ltd. advertised themselves as Iron Founders and Manufacturers. They made, among other things, wheelbarrows, washing machines, portable forges, upright drills, and blacksmith tools. If you have additional information about this foundry, please Email us.

Mark Visser contributed to this page.

  Model ???
Identifying Characteristics: One piece highly ornate dry barrel hydrant, patterned after the Toronto Water Works basic design.
  • "Willis Chipman, Engineer", embossed on back of hydrant.

  • 2221
    Model: ???
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
    Private Collection of Mark Visser
    © 2005, Mark Visser

    Early ad by Willis Chipman

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