J.J.N. Ltda. - Bogotá, Colombia

J.J.N. Ltda. is a Colombian company which was founded in Bogotá as a maker of valves and hydrants. For information about this company's products, please contact:

J.J.N. Ltda.

  Hidrantes tipo tráfico
Identifying Characteristics: Traffic type hydrant of gray iron, 150 psi working pressure.
  • 4" or 6" barrel diameters.

  • 2002
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1x 4.5"
    © 2003, J.J.N. Ltda.

      Hidrante 3"
    Identifying Characteristics: 3" two-way hydrant of one piece barrel construction.

    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
    © 2003, J.J.N. Ltda.

    Contact Information

    J.J.N. Ltda. Website

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