East Jordan Iron Works (EJIW) - East Jordan, Michigan
East Jordan Iron Works is a family run company with a rich history. The company was established at East Jordan, Michigan in 1883, by a 20-year-old English immigrant named William Ellis Malpass, along with his father-in-law, Richard Round. The small town of East Jordan was, at the time, a center of lumbering operations, and the company started out making parts for lumber mills, railroads, and ships, a beginning not unlike another hydrant maker, Filer & Stowell. William Malpass bought out his partner 8 years after the company's founding, and his descendents run the privately held company today.

Prompted by the decline of the lumber industry in the 1920's, the company expanded into other markets, notably, municipal castings --- pipes, grates, manhole covers, and of course, fire hydrants. Although they were a small firm, and one based in a fairly remote part of rural Michigan, the company successfully bidded against larger competitors in cities such as Detroit and Chicago. Today the company employs around 700 people at it's two East Jordan plants alone, shipping orders throughout the nation, and around the world. The company is known for its community involvement.
  Detroit Spec model
This model is likely the first model hydrant made by EJIW. This model, at least in the larger valve opening size, was designed in response to a Detroit Standard spec but may have been sold elsewhere as well.
Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
Size: ~4" VO, __" OD
Location: John A. collection
Photo: © J. Anderson
Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1x ~4.5"
Size: ~4" VO, 7.0" OD
Dated: 1946
Location: Paul H. collection
Photo: © P. Hansen
Nozzles: 2x ~4.5"
Size: ~6" VO, __" OD
Location: Milford, MI
Photo: © E. Kennedy
Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1x ~4.5"
Size: ~6" VO, 9.6" OD
Dated: 1931
Note: "Detroit Standard" cast onto bonnet
Location: Paul H. collection
Photo: © P. Hansen

  Chicago Spec model
This model was built in response to the Chicago Standard Spec.
Nozzles: 2x 4½"
Size: 6" V.O.
Dated: 1988
Location: Chicago, IL
Photo: © T. Ingalsbe

  "B" & "BR" models
The EJIW website shows the 5-BR model hydrant as their current model; and calls it the "WaterMaster".
  • The model designation is cast onto the back of the nozzle section. The difference between the identical appearing "6-B" and "6-BR" models shown below is unknown to FH.O currently.
  • Note the different styles of lower barrels shown below in the photos.
  • 1433
    Model: 5-BR
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1x 4.5"
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Dated: 2000
    Location: Ed M. collection
    Photo: © 2001, E. Masminster
    Model: 6-BR
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
    Size: 6" V.O.
    Dated: 1966
    Location: Jack S. collection
    Photo: © 2001, J. Anderson
    Model: 6-BR
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1x 4.5"
    Size: 6" V.O.
    Dated: 1972
    Location: Ed M. collection
    Photo: © 2001, E. Masminster
    Model: 6-B
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1x 3.5"
    Size: 6" V.O.
    Dated: ??
    Location: Jack S. collection
    Photo: © 2001, J. Anderson
    Model: 6-BR
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1x 4.5"
    Size: 6" V.O.
    Dated: ?
    Location: Ed M. collection
    Photo: © 2001, E. Masminster
    Model: 6-BR
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1x ~4.5"
    Size: 6" V.O.
    Dated: 1990
    Location: Milford, MI
    Photo: © E. Kennedy

      "BT" model
    This model, perhaps still produced, was EJIW's market offering of a 'modern' or 'contemporary' styled hydrant.
    Model: 6 BT
    Nozzles: 1x 2.5", 1x ~4.5"
    Size: ~6" V.O.
    Dated: 1985
    Location: Milford, MI
    Photo: © E. Kennedy

    Contact Information
    301 Spring St
    East Jordan, MI
    Phone: 616-536-2261
    FH.O Catalog Library:
    East Jordan Iron Works Inc - Street and Watermain Products Catalog No. 7

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