Davis, Howe & Company - Salt Lake City, Utah

Davis, Howe & Company was based in Salt Lake City, and made hydrants back in the 1870s or earlier. If you have any information regarding this fire hydrant company, please Email Us with any information you might have.
Little is known at this time about the Davis, Howe models, but the design shown here is very distictive for the iron platform to which the hydrant is mounted. Note the access cover with locking bolt.
Hydrant at far right has a date of 1877 cast on the barrel.

Click to enlarge
0152 (right)
© 1997 Eddie Walden
1568 (far right)
© 2001, Willis Lamm.

Date: 1870's
Location: Originally from Salt Lake City, UT
Notes: Eddie Walden's Private Collection Photo: Copyright © 1999, Eddie Walden

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