Canadian Ludlow Mfg. Co. Ltd.

We currently do not have any information regarding the company that produced the Canadian Ludlows. We do know that T. McAvity & Sons produced Ludlow List 75 and List 90 lookalikes which are marked as "McAvity" hydrants on the barrels. However the hydrants on this page are not marked as "McAvity" but rather "Canadian Ludlow Mfg. Co. Ltd.".

If you know of any information, please Contact Us. See also Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co.
  Model: List 90
The hydrants below appear to be license built versions of the Ludlow List 90 hydrant.

Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
Size: 4 V.O.
Dated: (none)
Location: Quebec, Canada
Photo: ©2002, S. Niven
Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
Size: 5 V.O.
Dated: 61
Location: Ontario, Canada
(See restoration photos)

  Model: List 90 - 0
The hydrants below are very similar to the Ludlow Valve List 90-0 hydrant.

Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
Size: 5 V.O.
Dated: 66
(see embossing closeup )
Location: Ontario, Canada
Photo: © 2003 D. Faingold
Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
Size: 4 V.O.
Dated: 62
Location: Private collection
Photo: © J. Kaminski

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