R. Beaumont Company - Kankakee, Ill

The business was established in 1861 and was originally owned by Peter Webler. In 1872, the company was sold to Richard Beaumont and George A. Woodruff. Twenty years later the partnership was dissolved and Mr. Beaumont became the sole owner of the company. Mr. Beaumont was a man of marked mechanical ingenuity and inventive powers. He patented the design for a highly successful hydrant, presumably the one shown below. Here is an original company advertisement touting its advantages over competition.
This fire hydrant is a part of Ed Masminster's Private Collection. The fire hydrant was originally in service near a penitentiary in Ohio. One unique feature of this fire hydrant is that the operating rod is on the outside of the hydrant (opposed to being in the inside like every other hydrant featured on this site). Three views are shown of the same hydrant.

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