Requirements for Maintaining
Private Hydrant Systems
© 2001 Capt. Willis Lamm, Water Supply Officer, Moraga-Orinda (CA) Fire District


There are numerous locations within the district where water for fire fighting is provided through private fire hydrant systems. In addition there are several hydrant systems that are not pressurized, but operate when water is supplied to them by the fire district at fire department connections (FDCs). To serve the greater public safety interest, the fire district will assist in the inspection, servicing and maintenance of these systems however this practice does not relieve private property owners of their responsibility in maintaining these systems.



  • Fire sprinkler systems, fire hydrant systems, standpipe systems, fire alarm systems, portable fire extinguishers, smoke and heat ventilators, smoke removal systems, and other fire protective or extinguishing systems or appliances shall be maintained in an operative condition at all times, and shall be replaced or repaired where defective.


  • The Chief is authorized to require periodic inspection and testing for fire sprinkler systems, fire hydrant systems, standpipe systems, fire alarm systems, portable fire extinguishers, smoke and heat ventilators, smoke removal systems, and other fire protective or extinguishing systems or appliances

    Standpipe systems shall be tested every 5 years.

    ("Dry" hydrant systems which are supplied by a fire department connection are considered standpipe systems.)

    Reports of inspections and tests shall be maintained on the premises and made available to the Chief when requested.


  • The Chief shall be notified when any approved fire-protection system is out of service and on restoration of service.

    This notification can be accomplished by contacting the on-duty Battalion Chief at 925-930-5554.

Property owners are also required to maintain proper clearance and access to all fire protection equipment and facilities in accordance with UFC sections 1001.7.1 and 100.7.2.
(See Where's the Hydrant?)


In an effort to ensure a uniform level of public safety in our high fire danger communities, the fire district provides the following services which are an adjunct to, not a replacement for, private property owners' responsibilities.
  • Annual physical inspection of all hydrants and fire department connections to fire district supplied "dry" hydrant systems.

  • Application and maintenance of appropriate color codes and other markings, blue hydrant reflectors and other visual indicators.

  • Routine servicing and adjustments as may be required to fire hydrants and fire department connections to fire district supplied "dry" hydrant systems.

  • Periodic testing and performance evaluation of hydrants and fire district supplied "dry" hydrant systems (to meet UFC requirements.)

    (5-year test records will be kept on file at the fire district and copies will be made available to property owners on request.)

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