The Hydrant Collection of Tony Flandrich

I am Tony Flandrich of Cottage Grove Minnesota, I work for Cottage Grove Public Works and have been collecting for 5 years. I get my hydrants from different cities, ebay, other collectors and from the local scrap yard. They make very good conversation as people walk by and notice.

Any ?'s or comments E-mail me

View My Hydrant Slide Show

  List of Hydrants in the Collection
Tony's collection consists of the following hydrants

  • Photo 202 is a Waterous w209 from 1948
  • Photo 203 is a South Park from 1911
  • Photo 204 is a St.Paul Fire and Marine from 1918
  • Photo 205 is a South Park Hydrant and Pump from 1941
  • Photo 207 is a Waterous Pacer with rocker caps from 1989
  • Photo 208 is a Waterous Pacer from 1978
  • Photo 209 is a Waterous W198 from 1948
  • Photo 210 is a Rich Valve from 1945
  • Photo 211 is a Waterous from 1958
  • Photo212 is an Eddy Valve from 1889
  • Photo 213 is a Waterous Pacer from 1998
  • Photo 214 and 215 are Waterous from 1963
  • Photo 226 is anr RD Wood from 1869

    Please see the slide show linked above for the corresponding photos.

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