Michael Avila's Hydrant Collection

Photos and quoted text Copyright © 2001, Michael Avila

"I began taking Fire Science classes in the fall of 99 and within a few months was hired on as a volunteer probationary Firefighter with the Burbank-Paradise Fire Department. Two years later I became a volunteer Captain. In Aug of 02’ I was hired by American Medical Response (Modesto) which is fun but by March of 03’ I was blessed with a paid Engineer position with the Stanislaus Consolidated Fire Dept. It’s great and it is everything I expected and more. My Fire Dept protects the Beard Industrial Tract which includes Gallo Winery and Signature Foods (Tri Valley Foods was once the largest cannery in the world.) About 3 years ago I began a collection of antique fire fighting equipment and after a few months I found out that I loved collecting hydrants more than anything, because they involved a lot of work and I get a great deal of satisfaction in completing one."

"When I take photos of Hydrants I find that using my fire department uniform works best because people think I'm on some kind of "official Business": hahaha, if they only knew! Well thank you for taking time to view some of my work, I have twice as many hydrants now but haven’t had time to get pictures of them in but I will soon."

Here are some of Michael's restored hydrants. On the left is a Greenberg model 75 from 1952. The next hydrant is a single outlet Greenberg from 1910. The restoration of this hydrant is documented on Michael Avila's restoration page. The American Flag hydrant is a 1978 Rich Valve hydrant. The wharf hydrant is a James Jone's model. Michael's brother Joe welded it to a diamond plate base for display purposes. Click on any of the above photos for enlarged versions.

What follows are some unrestored hydrants which Michael has picked up in and around the Modesto, California area.

1990 James Jones,
model 4040,
front and rear views.

1985 James Jones solid brass hydrant,
front and rear views.

Hydrant has "PAT.DES.200188" cast on barrel: this refers to the original EBMUD design patent held by inventor Cornelius Sampson.

1982 James Jones solid brass hydrant,
front and rear views.

Hydrant has "PAT.DES.200188" cast on barrel: this refers to the original EBMUD design patent held by inventor Cornelius Sampson.

1979 Long Beach Iron Works  Inc.
Long Beach CAL Model 651
front and rear views.

1978 Rich Valve Model 75.

1988 Clow 950,
front and rear views.

EBMUD 75 from 1953.

Long Beach Iron Works 631.

Not yet acquired...

"The 'City of Modesto' hydrants are pretty rare around here so everyone wants one. I do too! There actually used to be a Modesto Iron Foundry that made hydrants, there is still one in existence at the Regional Fire Training Center here in Modesto, I'll be getting a picture of it soon."

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