Kendall Edge's Hydrant Collection

All Photos © 2002 Kendall Edge

photo of restored National 2-way hydrant I've worked for the city of Wylie, Texas for about six years. The National hydrant was on third street, and it was on a dead end line we flush every month; the city had a new water line put in, so I got the hydrant and had it sandblasted and painted. --- Kendall Edge

Kendall used to work at an auto body shop in the paint department, and used automotive paint on his National hydrant to achieve the look you see here.

click photo to enlarge

photo of unrestored Columbian 2-way hydrant photo of restored Columbian 2-way hydrant In preparation for an ISO review, the town of Wylie, Texas, removed the remaining 2-way hydrants that were left in their system, including this Columbian.

click photo to enlarge

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