Aaron's Hydrant Collection Yellowknife, NT. Canada

fire hydrant lawn ornament. Aaron's fire hydrant collection. 1970 Mcavity fire hydrant. 1970 Mcavity fire hydrant.

Aaron Benjamin Hardy is a 5 year old boy with a big interest in fire hydrant collecting. Aaron's dad is a full time fire fighter for the City of Yellowknife Fire Department and I guess this may be one of the reasons why he likes fire hydrants.

Aaron has an old 1970 Mcavity fire hydrant that was thrown out by the city  and found at our local city dump.We had painted up and stuck in our front flower garden bed. Along with that is a small plastic fire hydrant lawn ornament that we painted red and numbered 31 after our house number. We're on the watch for more old hydrants to add to Aaron's collection.

Aaron can spot on the move in our family van any hydrant on any street as good as any fire pumper operator heading to a fire scene and often if not always shouts this out as we drive by. Every trip we take to the fire hall, Aaron adds a new small rubber fire hydrant to his toy collection and is always playing with these toys.

Some of Aaron's favorite fire links are:

Yellowknife Fire Department - http://www.ykfire.com/

These tiny toy rubber hydrants fit over a pencil and were free give ways from our local fire department. Where we got them from I 'don't know. Other little toy fire hydrants can be found at various toy stores like Wal-Mart or ''Toy's R Us'' from time to time and might be part of a larger set.

Here are a few links online to fire hydrant toys as we get numerous email asking us where to find them:

Full size plastic hydrant - http://www.yuckos.com/fire_hydrants.html

Life Sized Replica Hydrants for Stage, Film, Decor - http://www.firehydrant.org/links/replica-hydrants.html

Plastic hollow lawn size fire hydrants ornaments can be found at various garden centres such as Wal-Mart and such from time to time, these come in plain plastic and may need to be painted and fill with sand. Cost is about 15 dollars or so.

Toy hydrants for dogs - http://www.dogtoys.com/toyfamilies.html

Aaron's toy rubber fire hydrant collection


Aaron's toy fire hydrant collection. Aaron's toy fire hydrant collection.

Aaron's toy rubber fire hydrant collection

Aaron's toy fire hydrant collection. Aaron's toy fire hydrant collection.

Aaron or his dad (Edward) can be reached at the following email address hardy@theedge.ca

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