Jack Selvey's Hydrant Collection - Photo Page 3

  • W & B Douglas
  • East Jordan Iron Wks (EJIW)
  • FB Machine Wks
  • Filer & Stowell (T.F.& S. Co.)
  • M. Greenberg
  • Holly Mfg. Co.
  • Holyoke Iron Works
  • Norwood Engineering Co.
  • Howard Iron Wks
  • Iowa Valve Co.
  • Eddy Iowa
  • James Jones Co.

  • WebMaster's Note: Whenever possible the photos shown are those of his collection hydrants. However in some instances other FH.O photos have been used; these have an asterick (*) after the photo number.
    1352 W&B Douglas yard hyd.
    · 1.5" nozzle
    1380 EJIW
    6-BR model
    · 6" VO, 1966
    1288* EJIW
    6-BR model
    · 6" VO
    1381 EJIW
    6-B model
    · 9 7/8" OD
    2182 FB Machine Works
    Feil's Brass & Machine Wks. on bonnet
    · dated 1926
    1276* T.F.& S. Co
    Milwaukee Hydrnt
    · 5¼" V.O., 1934
    1387 Greenberg
    "horseball" model
    · wet barrel hydrant
    0646* Greenberg
    SF 74 frisbee hd
    · wet barrel hydrant
    1724* Holly Mfg.
    · 2 pc. barrel
    · 1 hose, 1 pumper
    0872* Holyoke IW
    · 4" barrel ID
    0811* Norwood Engineering Co.
    · 5" barrel ID
    0432* Howard I W
    · ~4" V.O.
    0118* Iowa Valve
    The Iowa, 28 mdl
    · Pat ...'06, ...'11
    · 4 nut pockets
    · 7" O.D.
    0903* Iowa Valve
    Iowa, 50 model
    · Pat Feb 14 28
    · 4 nut pockets
    0184* Iowa Valve
    Iowa, 50 model
    · Pat Feb 14 28
    · 4 nut pockets
    0906* Iowa Valve
    Iowa, 50 model
    · vertical I O W A
    · 4 open nut pckts
    0182* Eddy Iowa
    Iowa, 50 model
    · 5¼" V.O.
    0391* James Jones
    all brass, 1985
    · wet barrel hydrant

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    (Revised 19Nov04), Unless otherwise noted, all contents of these WWW pages © FireHydrant.org